Plant-based Burgers

Make it with AkoPlanet™

Juicier and healthier plant-based burgers with AkoPlanet™

Everyone loves a tasty, juicy burger, but securing the same experience when opting for a plant-based alternative can be tough. That’s where AkoPlanet™ ingredients for plant-based burgers come into play to bring your vision to life.

Lack of succulence is one of the top taste barriers when it comes to enjoying vegan burgers, and here fat plays a critical role. That’s why we've developed our range of formulated fats made from plants, so you can take your products to the next level.

Burgers made with AkoPlanet™ aren't just tastier and juicier: our experts have also found the balance between boosting succulence whilst enabling saturated fat reduction, because everything we do is about making great tasting no-compromise plant-based food made with health in mind and with love for people, plants and the planet.

Why the best plant-based burgers are made with AkoPlanet™

  • Made with specially developed fat systems for juicier products that are preferred over standard solutions
  • Made with health in mind to contain less saturated fat compared to commonly used vegetable fats
  • Made with sustainability sourced raw materials
  • Made together with you through our unique Co-Development approach and the support of a global network of Innovation Centers